...the moments
... you ever wonder how long it Takes to change your life ... what measure of time is enough to be life-Altering ... is it four years, like uni year ... bout six years in relationship ...
.. your life can change in a month, a week, or a single day? we're always in a hurry to Grow up, to go places, to get ahead .. but When You're young, one hour can change everything ...
... end of the year 2009 letey commute is cyber-penang .... almaklumlah preparation at a ceremony not long ago .. 1 & half month longer jer ... ghamai lately who brings to the question 'whether I was ready'.... busy at work for my new real meng'limit'kan memikirnya target .... huhu ... ready or not time will come ....
new workplace .... hours of work a little early and go home a little slow due to exam week ..... skrg because the distance to the chancellery building staff Aparment nie just 5 minutes ... Posted a name to live on campus .... If the opportunity in the evening after the expiration time is the time to work in sports activities ... ye shall want to lose weight target has not been achieved ...
other preparation that has not setle byk .... juz want to make it simple .... but sumtimes 'satisfaction' and want to satisfy an important tue kan byk the heart can be seen that non-simple .... 'Moments' to never come byk times in our lives .... when it comes let it perfect .... if not, let it perfect in the eyes of people in our eyes ....
... do you ever wonder if we make the moments in our lives or if the moments in our lives make us?
Could .... if you go back and change just one thing about your life, Would you ... and if you did, Would That Make change your life better? or Would That change ultimately break your heart? or break the heart of another? would you choose an entirely different path? or would you change just one thing? just one moment? That one moment you always wanted back?
MMU dulu & kini
year 2009 ..... year 2003
... a year went by .... world 'bloggers' I left .. sometimes stealing space .... maybe in a new place a little spare room for me here .... berkongsi graffiti
alhamdulillah thanks .... already entered the 3rd week of moving safely into the new work place ....
pressure for the last 2 months ..... pressure before stepping into a new environment can also change jobs I'm ..... target before the title of the wife want to get a new job that guarantees comfort when the future is already ber'family 'later .... Baek was teman2 services that help will not forget .....
ago MMU is now and forever .... I had called the students the difference here ... riding style that make a living here ... only difference in the style that used in Cyberjaya Melaka ..... The new site, we can learn to adapt want ..... in mana2 been working at the name must be no pressure ... just a bit different and it depends on the acceptance of ourselves .... finalize our long experience sebnarnya and I'm grateful for where I work different areas and experiences will be a supply kukutip facing the future ....
alhamdulillah .... thanks .... in the new place week after week goes by without my realizing in 2009 was getting to an end .... and 2010 will be transformed in the hope that 1001 brings a new color in my life .... Did I prepare??