(For my princess Lea Lipkovo)
Having seen you at the airport upon arrival, have told you a few words uncertain ... We were both tired, but still some spark ignited a stack of firewood forgotten within each of us.
Having made that long journey through the dark to the place unknown and distant, silent, not even knowing what was awaiting us at the other end of the night.
Have you seen exhausted at midnight at that stop for coffee in the middle of dark woods, listening to the sounds of owls and other nocturnal creatures. The wind almost sculpted ice scars on our faces.
have seen you sleepy the next morning, and so little green eyes, your face still showing the warm colors of dreams. Have gone out into the cold again, the city ex-Soviet ... Terms
started talking after dinner, drinking too much meaning ... Have you heard that woke up hearing someone sing in the shower in the room immediately above yours. I have realized that it was I who awakened you. I wish I could sing you forever ...
have touched your hair for the first time in early morning, cold in the garden opposite the church, have held in my hot little hand your. Have felt the moisture of your lips, the fragrance of your breath, the touch of your tongue when we were both so far away when we were both so uncertain, when we were both so alive ...
Have you kissed. Have you kissed and make sense once more my heart send blood into the arteries again, my whole being functioning perfectly as the most sophisticated piece of machinery. Have felt joy, right there in Eastern Europe. Have sensed your body slowly forcing way into the mine, and then more and more ... Want to join?
have known it would not last, tried to keep only the best of what each had to offer two other ... Term prepared us for goodbye.
have desired so much time to be quiet for a few moments, days, hours. Have accepted all that he could take us over that period ... Have felt your arms around my body at night. Have loved.
Having made the return journey in separate places, sleepy and afraid of words. Have you taken to the airport, have been there waiting for a miracle that never came. Having to leave you and I to leave you there with your luggage ...
your shoulders have involved just one more time, have looked into your eyes just once more, having played in your hair ... Have wished that there were just two of us, have given you one last kiss, soon, sore. Have you orphans and said some words I head for the exit, never to look at you. Having lost ...
not trade for anything.
(Photo: Rezekne, Latvia, September 28, 2008 / Text: Tomar, Portugal, 12 October 2008)
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