Counting days ... .4-5 months to go ...
powered up nier day still can not believe after almost 5 months ... sedar2 called her fiance did not realize people are already 'in relationship' 7 years and is now being pursued day2 happy ... Prolonged hope .. ameeen .... That is called kalu mate ... certainly not to any
wedding preparation is no need to want my headache cz Hilman family will want to plan everything ... even just psl wedding dress and make-up ... thankfully called the youngest brother (Even though they are still'm sorg younger brother) ... Mulia my big brother ... aka my banker. My mum and my only one beloved sist biase la mcm + artisan builders plan shopping ...
lain2 sooner or later I've preparation to Hilman well (mentally & physically) .... Add the knowledge of what ought to ... make sure healthy physically & kene keep fit ... almaklumlah bile happy to taste ... add more pounds. Dr back since last visitation in 2009 MMG may be more ... .. 4 to 5 months so nye preparation:
1. at least 3 to lose weight around 5kg.
2.body treatments (sauna bath + scrubs)
4.manicure treatment & pedicure, hand treatment
others wedding planning and preparation tips juz want to share with my bestest cds 4 eva cum ms ruby my wedding planner. ... (sambil2 tue bleh la skali plan for ur wedding) thanks for the supports ... I love you so muchy2 .... (*_-)
- the first step in wedding planning is deciding how much money you are going to spend and make a budget.
- When planning your wedding budget allow 25% more for extras that you haven't planned for. (this part kire setle la kot…)
- order the invitations four months in advance. Invitations should be mailed four to six weeks in advance. Take the invitations to the post office to be weighted for sufficient postage. (this part lum setle sbb tgu guest list from my 2nd bro…invitation card die sponsor)
- Start prepare ur wedding dress six months in advance. You will need several fittings before it is perfect. (this part Whether DECIDE dizziness also want to want to stick with a plan early ker tuko follow my big bro ... remember punye Kaler wedding dress choice 'self sponsor' tendency lebey pd want to stick the original plan ... have to DECIDE BEFORE end of this month)
- Do your makeup BEFORE putting on your wedding dress. (nie my future in law at setlekan sist ... so no need to worry)
- Plan your honeymoon six months in advance. Make all arrangements well in advance and RESERVATIONS. (this part he was at the plan ... but remember disorder ... so maybe postponed dl yg kene must prioritize)
- Remember that it is his wedding, too. Some men do not want much to do with the planning but it is not always too. Take his advice too. (resepsi on my side my dear no need to worry la… but for wedding dress & make-up have to take his advice too… sbb die yang nak tgk kite kan.. wink wink)
- If you and your fiancée have a disagreement, work it out without involving either set of parents. (totally agree)
- View his or her photographs to see if you like their style of photography. If you do, book as early as possible. (nie tak decide lagi la…)
- Don't hesitate to ask family and friends to help with preparations. Choose the appropriate task for the person you are asking. (My family will THEIR Lend a hand to help me, no need to want to also rates mintak2 ... my cds ... hehe)
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