is she. Shelf on which I sleep.

Alhamdulillah up to now still fully bf baby qalish .. eventhough my routine somewhat Rev nie kt pine menyelit also 4 pumping sessions 3times per working days .. Supply 20 to 22 oz per day ... alhmdulillah till the time is still abundant sustenance qalish ..
But nowaday when govt haramkn polycarbonated botle, me worried .... jd solution to the polycarbonate bottle .. MAM .. Since day one I've qalish stay wif babysitter to Consider Used AVENT feeding bottle as his .. . But after the survey A Few brand of feeding bottle I chosse MAM brand ..
Mommy's out there should not really familiar wif this brand .... Other prefer two AVENT use or tomme Tippe ... MAM but worth it to try since it easy to handle n the most important easy 2 clean dr atas smpi ke montot die sume bleh tgl.. Of coz bpa free + anti colic is in package.. It price range betweEn avent n tt and it also UK brand..
Asek pk bout feeding botle jer.. Me forgot bout breast milk storage.. BM storage lg la everytime have to heat n freeze... me also hve to let go all my mom liltle one storage bottle since I'm not sure it bpa free or not..
Today me manage to buy mam storage solution for my precious breast milk.. It can be sterilised and stored in freezer as often as necessary.. And afterward when no longer bf, the cups can be used as baby food storage.. Really worth it.. Should try!!! for more info
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Because if you can call it a waste of time riding the Vespa on the highway with a crazy Italian? Mattress or exit stairs? Do you even ride a bicycle around the room (facing nearly as regular in the circus ring, but Cornering the bike a little and not make you a leg support).
this is just temporarily unemployed testerka games. Besides reading, write off the e-mails, sleeps with the cat and lets you put the tarot. Card does not lie. Three times three times omitted posed the question of the annual trip to Asia, but is waiting for me to 'propsperity and fertility', in London, so I do not have that bad ...
............................................... .................................
journey to the mystical land of childhood Łowinii. The place where it all began for me (there is a legend podle met my father's sperm and the egg of my mother). Peace, which had limited access. A collection of random furniture and objects kolekcjonowanych over several decades: Two solid wooden beds forming the so-called. double bed, lamp design, remembering ancient times of the 70's, the pre-war picture of the sacred and immortal mask Lady of Czestochowa. And nasty duck sitting on the pot rack retro.
That July night everything worked out together.
.... a new baby is like the beginning of all things - wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities...
1 month after 15 dec 2010...
Ten little fingers, Ten tiny toes,The sweetest of smilesAnd a cute little nose.All these add upTo a very specialthing -- A BABYThe greatest of giftsThat life can bring
Has been long time since I put here post in English. Either way, living in London finally gets colours I wanted to. Spring colours, rainbow colours or just any colours but black and white. I am temporarily jobless and spend my days reading, getting fit or visiting friends. Managed to find my own place, though so far spent there less than 3 days. Seems that my 5-months habit of crashing friends’ places has put down its roots deeply enough. Oh, and I finally got my bike. Not necessarily comfortable one, but gonna work on it. All sounds idyllic, but I assume we create what we want to have and I simply follow this.
it's been a be exact... i rarely update dis blog due to many reason....
my new life....pregnancy, hectic working life
and one of them
as you'll know last 3 month me & hubby has been
bless alhamdulillah wif born of our son on Wednesday 12.20 am
8 muharam 1432 h (15 DEC 2010) ....
my intention start from day 1st of my confinement.... to start to be a writer back... in my blog in our small crib...
really hope one day my baby qalish will read his mama writing... proud mama of him....
so for 1st post of 2011.... i start wif the birth story....
actually on 10 dec (37 weeks + +) early morning went to ukmsc for weekly check ups .... me, hubby ... milah tok n dilah just arrived from Penang WIF 'luv' last nite (9 dec ).... Soo excited 4 of us want to spent time outside makan2 kat b4 for the last time 'our baby' probes ...
normal for every check up to check for (blood pressure ).... for the first time my bp from the normal high is not good ... .. after 15 min repeat for checkup, lg naek ... gynae suggest i spent weekends at the hospital to monitor my bp ... and my bp up and down until saturday nite .. That nite i been transferred to HDU (ICU patient for o & g) .. my bp too high ... NFO if not also have to Caesar .... alhamdulillah early morning 12 dec i'been transfer back to the ward embroidered ... prof zura my gynae suggest we first try for normal deliver ...
on 13 dec .. 1st induce ... still no sign ... Rase contraction skit2 14 dec 2nd induce morning, afternoon 3rd induce .. parents talk org2 kalu MMG is not the time baby will not probe ... but the security who have too sbb2 induce even the contents of only 37 days +++... only after 3rd induce ... contraction more trasa ..
me away with bersusahpayah mengagahkan berjalan2 mg simplified ... asar prayer after prayer wish me away gagahkan new 1st .. rakaat trasa wet veil ... ingtkan urine running into the toilet ... waters apparently already broken ... sebundle mucus mixed with blood down .... prof 2cm zura new check .... DECIDE after dusk so the new transfer to the labor room ...
smpilabor room 4 cm .. so check the water induce plaque .... around 9 sumting, fetal heart beat baby on the decline .. They expect sumting wrong sumwhere .. When the contraction Toss high fetal heart beat pounds of high (soo i guess) so try Insert nasal oxygen coat pounds not ok ... prof cmtue around 11:30 instead of normal DECIDE zura deliver (kene tgu lamalg still 4 cm dr td + menbahayakan baby fetal heart beat following the decline we go for one last choice and only choice ... yg tgl
around me at 11:45 + + ot (operation theater) 50% epidural at my backbone ... so ... think dihiris2 still conscious but not painful ... my hubs temankan so he see everything from start until baby is issued ... WIF can just imagine me help of anaes mohd prof ... byk was also shortness of breath when breast nie want kuarkan ditekan2 for baby ... after baby was sucessfullly .... Release ... tgk paed bother me ... God only knows who ... Send a prof ask me why my baby did not cry pon n why my baby blue look purple @ ..
... do not cry my baby pounds ... few second after a new baby cry ... thank God after everything ... worth it to cry ... my baby heart beat collour purple + TRN die die drowning the contraction cz twisted cord ... mase i contration sick yesterday (13 dec) there zura prof talk "God knows everything ... He already DECIDE from the very start after we try everything ... normalker not want to probe baby .... HE DECIDE not us ... highlight the best 4 both of me n baby ...
so 12:20 (15th dec) n baa maa baby was born at UKMSC (UKM Specialist Centre) ... ANAS BIN AFIY AKMAL QALISH AKMAL .... Precious OUR ONE .... SYUKUR, thank God ..... welcome to world "" giding giding "" Mom ... be a hero heart baba maa n, conditioned on the foreign bidder in the heart ... its good n maa baa sorg nie ....
PostScript from the 6th March 2011:
room ready for habitation. And there is a small crack.
learned to say that the 18th March we have a case in court and thus there is a risk of eviction. And even though in practice (and also by the local squat rights) from issuing any warrant of eviction to the validation passes about 2 months, in my mind the storm clouds gathered. And thus I became realize how much I need their own angles on the macro-agglomeration. Places where I know I can sleep, keep your szpargały, sew up with a book or simply invite your friends (and sleep with people couchsurfingu).
Anyway, I have provided shelter for the next 2 months. It is well. I'm free from work, signed up to the library of the Czech, the sun more often guests at the London sky, and I am physically active, nay, even to attend a sauna (!), So I can say I'm happy. Oh, and just like that.