Alhamdulillah up to now still fully bf baby qalish .. eventhough my routine somewhat Rev nie kt pine menyelit also 4 pumping sessions 3times per working days .. Supply 20 to 22 oz per day ... alhmdulillah till the time is still abundant sustenance qalish ..
But nowaday when govt haramkn polycarbonated botle, me worried .... jd solution to the polycarbonate bottle .. MAM .. Since day one I've qalish stay wif babysitter to Consider Used AVENT feeding bottle as his .. . But after the survey A Few brand of feeding bottle I chosse MAM brand ..

Mommy's out there should not really familiar wif this brand .... Other prefer two AVENT use or tomme Tippe ... MAM but worth it to try since it easy to handle n the most important easy 2 clean dr atas smpi ke montot die sume bleh tgl.. Of coz bpa free + anti colic is in package.. It price range betweEn avent n tt and it also UK brand..
Asek pk bout feeding botle jer.. Me forgot bout breast milk storage.. BM storage lg la everytime have to heat n freeze... me also hve to let go all my mom liltle one storage bottle since I'm not sure it bpa free or not..
Today me manage to buy mam storage solution for my precious breast milk.. It can be sterilised and stored in freezer as often as necessary.. And afterward when no longer bf, the cups can be used as baby food storage.. Really worth it.. Should try!!! for more info http://www.mambaby.com/
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