is she. Shelf on which I sleep.
It's as if you were / s on the eternal camp. Sleeping under the cover of the roof and quilts (known as winter protection) gives the impression of a tent. In the midst of heat, light climate adds lights, even there, grab the Internet. Solution, because it is still looking for their angle at least several months. I could move on and deal with zinem own mini-projects. Therefore, we will see tomorrow.

Sometimes I feel that living in the squat is such a fun house for the immature-adults, for personal reasons or environmental left their country, family and friends. That teeter on the world starting with random links, fed up with easily accessible codeine and wail 'oh dżiz, ajm tłenti .... ajm sol faking old '. Or maybe I've become picky in choosing topics for conversation, I dig in the event fejsbukowe and videos and I'm just a boring sxe kid that sits in front of competence, with his nose in a book or pedaling a bike.

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