Saturday, December 25, 2010

Explain About Step And Touch Potential

Dodgy. Grumpy. Fair enough

if I was subjectively identify the most common British expression, in addition to the classic 'thank you' and 'like', without hesitation wskazałabym the three. In contact with them almost everywhere, almost routinely. And that game I'm testing out is the seats 'dodgy'. 'Grumpy' for it is the driver, who at 8.40 each day carefully check ID when boarding the bus, even though everyone else has a deeply in the nose. My roommate also supposed to be 'grumpy', which even he admits: 'I was not so grampy, I surely would have been promoted. " As for me, this statement is 'fair enough'. Strangely the term 'fair enough' are quitting all the stories, which tell, but I always knew that the more I can express my thoughts by writing than speaking. Just my statements are 'dodgy' or how to specify them one from the Czech Republic 'kostrbaté'.

addition to the language of observation increasingly come to the conclusion that slowly befriends of this city. Chaos of life is somehow normalized by the schedule of work (although it flourishes there for how chaotic execution of my duties and occasional attacks ADHD), at the expense of lack of time, limited access to the Internet and kulejącego social life. In the meantime, however, I manage to bump into his friend skquat and on weekends to catch up on movies.

I is 1 of the 4 days off. The whole four days doing nothing, watching movies, reading, writing letters and squat zalegiwania. The less you expect, the more happy you are. Until I am surprised that I manage to drown out the centrifugal drive pushing me to travel. Apparently, now travel more metaphysically, in thought, in the subway, and books.


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