Friday, April 8, 2011

How To Get Softer Chest Hair

Two weeks ago, I called. unlucky tuesday. Last Tuesday of the same, but this time he struck twice in domestic issues. Well, since moving here were not the best, so in theory nothing new. The ups and downs. I need to reset your mind, leave London to inclement aura. Rest in other words. 40 pounds for the bus back and forth to Paris. Wednesday. 5 days in the 'reset'.

Besides trying to kill time. Reading, exercise, meetings with people walking on the Internet and galleries. I admit that modern art in the implementation of the London hipsterów surprising triumph of form over content and above all the inflated prices.

People are just people. It does not count as far as you're okay, if not to bother anyone, but if you're a ballroom / a, do not refuse a joint and sit in the living room talking about the proverbial **** d Maryna. I always run into a buca.

boring SXE kid.


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