Monday, May 30, 2011

Charlie Chaplin Kimdir

Origin Story "OK"

ernyata word "OK" is an abbreviation of the word 'oll korrect'. kok lo so? you must be wondering instead yg bener 'all correct'?
so at the time of the year 1839 in the city of New York and Boston again trendy thing as a kind of language slank slang so gan gan. rich example abbreviation "KY" distinguished origin 'know Yuse', 'OW' for 'oll wright (the predecessor of' oll korrect ');' KG 'to' know go ',' NS 'to' nuff said; and many other distinguished gan
OK is a word that still survive gan, because in 1840 there is an election in New York where the candidate who named Martin Van Buren used the word OK senagai slogans. Van Buren panggilal name is 'Old Kinderhook', so the group formed pendukungnnya called 'OK Club', which has a double meaning which is' oll korrect and 'Old Kinderhook'. but this gives the opponent a chance to Van Buren for mocking his supporters as a group of illiterate

other facts

* sentence ' okey-Doke 'first appeared in 1932, originally from the English habit of people who say OK saying' Okie '. who then brought to America, where the American people ring it with a version of 'e' which is longer, giving rise to rhyme

* greek people who bermigarasi to the U.S. but later returned to his homeland called by the Greeks as 'okay, boys', because they have adopted the habits of Americans who say the word OK

* OK verb form originally appeared in 1919 which is described as "Okeh", is baffled by the word of Choctaw (Native American people southeast U.S. imaginable section) "Okeh", meaning "it is so ". But in 1929, was replaced with the right spelling, which was pretty much survive to this day.


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